Monday, October 18, 2010

The Molecules of Cells

What is a Dehydration Reaction?
A reaction which involves removing water.

What is Hydrolysis?
Breaking the bonds made with the dehydration reaction by adding water once more.

What's a Monosaccharide?
Monomers, essentially the simplest carbohydrates. 

The Facts:
-Lipids have a kink in them when they double-bond
-The Primary structure of a protein is the structure of its amino acids
-A secondary structure is when the parts of a polypeptide coil fold into an alpha helix
-A tertiary structure is the overall three-dimensional structure of the protein
-A quaternary structure is two polypeptide chains link together

Key Terms:
-Hydrocarbons: Compounds that are made up of only hydrogen and carbon
-Isomers: Compounds with the same formula but a different shape
-Hydrophilic: Likes water
-Hydrophobic: Dislikes water
-Hydroxyl Group: Hydrogen atom bonded to an oxygen atom, bonded to a carbon skeleton
-Carbonyl Group: Carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom
-Carboxyl Group: Carbon double bonded to an oxygen atom and bonded to the Hydroxyl group
-Amino Group: Nitrogen bonded to two hydrogen atoms and then to a carbon skeleton
-Phosphate Group: Phosphorus bonded to four oxygen atoms
-Methyl Group: Carbon bonded to three hydrogens

An example of a lipid molecule that has a double-bonded CH molecule, thus creating a "kink."

This chapter was about the molecular structure of the different groups, both on a micro and macro scale.

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